Baron Bigod 250g
A Brie de Meaux style cheese, made at Fen Farm in Suffolk, using their very own Montbeliarde cows which graze the fertile marshland of the Waveney river valley, this nourishing milk is then turned into a wonderful smooth and delicate cheese. The rind is mushroomy and ever so slightly nutty, the cheese is fresh and citrussy..
This cheese has been known to grace the tables of royals.. if it is good enough for the royals it is good enough for us!!!
Beneath the nutty, mushroomy rind, Baron Bigod has a smooth, silky golden breakdown which will often ooze out over a delicate, fresh and citrussy centre. Baron Bigod is made by hand in small batches, very early in the morning so that the fresh milk straight from the cow is the perfect temperature for cheesemaking.
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